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I deeply honor your choice to pause and explore the possibilities for your life. In a world that constantly pulls us in different directions, how often do we take a moment to ask: "Who am I, what is my truth, and what do I truly desire for my life?" I believe everything we need already resides within us, and these profound questions open the doorway to the essence of Oneness.
Oneness encompasses the full spectrum of existence—light and shadow, and every color in between. It reflects the boundless nature of who we are: finite yet infinite, human yet spirit, connected yet distinct, and balancing effort with ease in perfect harmony. Oneness also embodies our profound interconnectedness with everyone and everything around us.
This understanding forms the foundation of Journey to Oneness—a path of uncovering these truths through embodied experiences, embracing their wisdom, and integrating them into a life of alignment and purpose.
With certifications and a decade’s worth of experience in transformative healing modalities, 20 years in corporate America, extensive study under respected mentors & sages, advanced training in personal, professional & spiritual development, and profound insights received through channeling and during ceremony, I help others harmonize the external demands of life with their inner truth. My approach empowers individuals to thrive authentically and confidently, navigating all aspects of life.
I facilitate transformation by offering:
- Shamanic Breathwork
- Sacred Ceremony Integration & Mentorship
- WHOLE Life Harmonization Practices
- Meditation, Mindfulness, and Awareness Practices
- Personalized Spiritual Exploration and Integration
- Stress Management and Emotional Resilience Workshops
Creating space is a sacred act of self-honoring, allowing you to step into your limitless potential. I invite you to embark on your Journey to Oneness with me. Together, let’s co-create a life that reflects the infinite potential of who you truly are.
With love,
Holding a safe and sacred container as a catalyst for growth, my sole mission is to support women both in and out of recovery in coming home to themselves. In return, they can sustainably pioneer conscious paths forward while curating bigger, bolder, and more purposeful lives.
"It is in the spaciousness of self-discovery that we honor our wholeness and align with the Oneness of life"
Breathwork, like meditation, encompasses a variety of practices and techniques designed to enhance physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. From the pranayama techniques of yoga to shamanic breathwork and modern therapeutic practices, it has been used for thousands of years as a tool for healing, transformation, and connection.
At its core, breathwork creates spaciousness within us—a clearing of mental, emotional, and physical clutter. This space allows for clarity, insight, and profound connection, making way for healing and transformation. Through intentional breathing, we reconnect with our inherent truth and open ourselves to new possibilities.
Over the past decade, I have trained extensively in diverse breathwork practices and modalities, equipping me to empower individuals with techniques that manage stress, improve one’s ability to live in the present moment, and guide them toward a deeper sense of wholeness and connection. is Incorporating breathing practices and breathwork into our daily lives, gives us the opportunity to allow for transformation and easier flow through our busy lives.
In ceremonial settings, I guide participants through a journey that release stored energy and emotions, uncover hidden truths, and connect with inner peace and joy. During these journeys, participants access altered states of consciousness, where they can explore the layers of their inner world, reconnect with their authentic selves, and gain clarity on aspects of their life that may feel stuck or unresolved.
Accessible to everyone, the breath always with us, ready to guide and support. If you’re seeking clarity, freedom, and connection, I invite you to explore how breathwork can create space for transformation and help you live more fully in alignment with your truest self.
At Journey to Oneness, I offer a variety of transformative modalities to support deep healing and self-discovery, including Shamanic Breathwork. This powerful process was developed more than 30 years ago by Linda Star Wolf, founder of Venus Rising Association for Transformation, and is rooted in ancient shamanic traditions blended with modern therapeutic practices. Drawing from her studies in Holotropic Breathwork with Stanislav Grof, Ram Das, Jacquelin Small, noted psychologists, and indigenous shamanic teachings, Star Wolf created a dynamic process that uses conscious, connected breathing to access expanded states of awareness and profound inner healing.
The lineage of Shamanic Breathwork emphasizes the breath as a sacred tool to release stored energy, overcome limiting beliefs, and reconnect with the authentic self. Grounded in Star Wolf’s visionary teachings, this practice honors the wisdom of the ancestors while providing a transformative pathway for modern seekers to align with their highest truth. Since its inception, Shamanic Breathwork has empowered countless individuals to heal emotional wounds, gain clarity, and step into a more liberated and purposeful life.
As a certified Shamanic Breathwork facilitator through Venus Rising, I am honored to carry forward this lineage. I combine the wisdom of Star Wolf’s teachings with my intuitive guidance, years of experience holding sacred ceremonial spaces, and a compassionate, empowering approach. Each session is a safe and intentional space for individuals to explore their unique journey, release what no longer serves them, and integrate the insights they uncover.
Whether you are seeking to heal old patterns, deepen your spiritual connection, or rediscover your inherent wholeness, Shamanic Breathwork offers a profound gateway for transformation. With a focus on honoring the wisdom of the past while supporting your personal evolution, this practice can help you step into a life of greater freedom, joy, and purpose.
- Ashley
Saturday, May 11, 2024
1 pm - 3 pm
Location: Shanti Sound 8010 East McDowell Road #Suite 213 Scottsdale, AZ 85257
Join Julie Belfer, my dear friend and remarkable medicine woman, as we embark on an afternoon of inner discovery through the power of breath. Experience a transformative Journey to Oneness breathwork ceremony on May 11th, where a blend of techniques will guide you towards acceptance, insight, and self-appreciation.
Ashley has a true gift of healing. She has helped me become a better version of myself.
Generous, kind, patient, and wise are just a few words that come to mind when I think of Ashley. She has impacted my life in significant ways over these last couple of years; helping me grow and heal in every aspect of my life. I'm thankful every day to have her as a mentor and friend.
Breathwork with Ashley is truly one to experience. She held an incredibly safe space that felt sacred to me. Her guided breath kept me not only present but allowed me to truly free myself to go deeper & deeper into my intention, where I was able to unlock the most levels of healing. The music she chose was so aligned, it took my journey to a whole other level. I left vibrating.
When I met Ashley I was pretty lost. In the most gentle way that was perfect for my soul, she led me back to the path of my true self. Over the years working with Ashley has helped me to see who I truly am and who I want to be. My life has improved in all ways since I met Ashley and through the work we did together.
Ashley has been such an instrumental person in my life. She has helped me grow in ways I had absolutely no idea I needed to.
Ashley has a true gift of healing. She has helped me become a better version of myself.
Doing Breathwork with Ashley unlocked a transformative world I would have never otherwise discovered. Working with Ashley allowed me to discard traumatic energy that I'd locked deep into my core over the course of decades. The peace, clarity, and sense of calmness that was achieved through my experiences with her are gifts I never thought I would receive. I can honestly say that my life has changed significantly and for the better since I sought her guidance. Trust in her, trust in the process, trust in yourself.